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Geographic Information Systems: An Introduction to ArcGIS Pro

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Geographic Information Systems: An Introduction to ArcGIS Pro

Upon completion of the course, participants will acquire knowledge and proficiency in the following areas:

·         Definition and understanding of GIS, spatial data, and raster and vector data models.

·         Apply practical skills in utilising ESRI ArcGIS Pro (2D) software package (working mostly in Map and Catalog Pane).

·         Visualization techniques for data representation.

·         Handling of tables, encompassing selections and queries.

·         Creation and editing of spatial data.

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Course Leader

Dr Ana Andries
Course Description

   1.       Understanding GIS  

Unveiling the Essentials

Exploring the definition of GIS

Deciphering the significance of GIS

Unveiling the answers through GIS

Displaying data through GIS

Data Options for GIS

Applications of GIS

Exercise. Relevancy to your field (group activity)

2.       Getting familiar with ArcGIS Pro

Logging in to ArcGIS Pro

ArcGIS Pro Interface

Introduce Project, Map, Layout

Introduce to Map and Catalog Pane

Data type viewed in ArcGIS Pro

Exercise. Getting Familiar with ArcGIS Pro

        3.       Working with Layers, Features and Attributes

Working with attribute table

Learn basic queries (e.g., select by attribute, select by features) (filter data).

Creating, amending, and deleting attribute fields

Mapping techniques and Classification data methods

Exercise. Amend and Visualise data

4.       Creating and editing data

Digitising basics

Creating features

Modifying existing features


Exercise. Creating and editing data

5.       Map production and sharing

Create a final map (include features that a map should contain-e.g. legend, north sign, scale, etc)

Export, print and online sharing

Exercise. Creating a map layout

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