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Introduction to Facet Methodology: 20th November 2024

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Introduction to Facet Methodology: 20th November 2024

Introduction to Facet Methodology

·         What is facet methodology?

·         Conceptualising the ‘gem stone’

·         Identifying facets in complex phenomenon

·         Is facet methodology mixed methods?

·         Discussing current research design for facet methodology

·         Facet methodology case study

·         Evaluating facet methodology

Developing facet methodology research design



Course Code

Intro to Facet Methodology

Course Leader

Dr Robyn Muir
Course Description

This course introduces participants to facet methodology, a multi-faceted approach that enables researchers to explore complex phenomenon in a creative way using a range of methods to explore different elements of a single entity. It steps “outside or beyond existing ways of thinking about” multiple lines of enquiry to a research problem (Mason 2011:76). It approaches a research question as a gemstone, imagining that the different sides or facets of the gemstone will refract ‘light’ or knowledge in different ways depending on how the gemstone is illuminated. It aims to demonstrate how facets can be examined as being “connected and entwined”, rather than separate entities (Mason 2011:79). Facet methodology offers researchers a creative way to explore the connections within complex phenomenon.

This course will provide an introduction to the approaches and uses of facet methodology, and how it can be used within research through practical examples and in our own research design. It will also evaluate and differentiate facet methodology from other methods.

The course is primarily designed for researchers with some understanding of basic qualitative and quantitative methods, but will be exploring how different research methods can be employed through facet methodology. This course is ideal for researchers who want to study large, complex phenomenon with many moving parts, but are not sure how to tie everything together. The course leader is an experienced social researcher who will draw on her own research and use of methods, as well as established practice within the social sciences.

Taught online in a small group setting, the sessions will use practical exercises to introduce facet methodology to researchers and provide them with the opportunity to apply their new knowledge to their own research. The course leader will also be happy to address specific queries raised by course participants either during the sessions or in the breaks.

Please note: this course does not cover the use of computer software programmes to assist qualitative data analysis. See events run by the CAQDAS networking project at the University of Surrey for training on specific CAQDAS packages.

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Introduction to Facet Methodology

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