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Using Digital Tools for Visual Analysis


Course Information

Using Digital Tools for Visual Analysis
  • Understand broad methodological traditions in visual analysis
  • Have an overview of the range of digital tools designed to facilitate visual analysis and their methodological underpinnings
  • Understand the importance of analytic planning in harnessing digital tools for visual analysis
  • Understand how digital tools can facilitate core analytic activities involved in undertaking visual analysis and how they differ with respect to working with still and moving images
  • Understand the principles of making appropriate choices between digital tools for analytic purposes
  • Know where to access relevant resources to support continued use of digital tools for qualitative text analysis


Course Code

Using Digital Tools for Visual Analysis

Course Leader

Dr Christina Silver
Course Description

This workshop discusses digital tools for analysing visual data. We begin  considering different methodological approaches to analysing visual data to place the use of digital tools in context. We then introduce the range of digital tools designed to facilitate the analysis of visual data – focusing on the genre of tools collectively referred to as Computer Assisted Qualitative Data AnalysiS (CAQDAS) packages  but also discussing tools derived from other contexts. 

To bring visual analysis to life we then focus on strategies and tactics for implementing an analysis, considering on common analytic activities and how they can be accomplished using software tools. This involves distinguishing between the needs of working with still and moving images, the manner and extent to which they may need to be integrated with other forms of data (including the generation of synchronised transcripts and combining materials from different sources), and options for working directly with visual materials.  In doing so, we consider data management tools, analytic tools, and representational tools. The workshop showcases a selection of CAQDAS-packages including ATLAS.ti, Dedoose, MAXQDA, NVivo, QDA Miner and Transana.


StartEndCourse Fee 
01/11/202401/11/2024[Read More]

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