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Msc Nutritional Medicine 2024-2025

Msc Nutritional Medicine 2024-2025


Compulsory modules

  • Diet, the Gut, Food Allergy and Intolerance
  • Dietary Minerals in Health and Disease
  • Nutrition across the life course

Core modules

  • Principles of Nutritional Science
  • Principles of Applied Nutrition and Epidemiology
  • The Project (45 credits)

Optional modules

  • Antioxidants, Phytoprotectants and Disease
  • Nutrition and Exercise for Health and Sports Performance
  • The Brain, Nervous System, Diet and Behaviour
  • Nutrition in diabetes and other clinical disorders
  • Obesity, lipids and cardiovascular disease

Location: Leggett Centre, Manor Park Campus

 2024/2026 schedule


Module title

24 –

Module 41
Module 13
Module 13 instal 2/3

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