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High Salvage - Resist, Recover, Resurrect

High Salvage



Potential Books second publication led by Distinguished Writer in Residence, Iain Sinclair.



Detailed Description

High Salvage
Resist, Recover, Resurrect

Led by Iain Sinclair, and edited by Chiara Fumanti,

Frankie Walters & Hilary Macey-Dare, this is the second publication from Potential Books, a new small press associated with the Centre for Potential Literatures (LitPo) at the School of Literature and Languages, University of Surrey.

Featuring work in poetry and prose by:

* Tenikah Beveney * Lara Black * Gigi Bushell * Alison Cooper * Chiara Fumanti * Genevieve Grant * Sharron Green * Kim Levin * Alan McKenzie * Hilary Macey Dare * Gillian Moran * Laurs Oakley * Astra Papachristadoulou * Vassilena Parashkevova *Iain Sinclair * Frankie Walters 

The Book:

‘High Salvage is a collaboration by writers at the University of Surrey whose roots lie in the second wave of the COVID-19 global pandemic. Under the guidance of Iain Sinclair, we were tasked with redacting existing works, breaking free from conditioned reflexes in writing, and reflecting on the virtual state of the world.

From the shores of our changing times, we looked back at a receding horizon, recollect waning or dense with detail and we uncovered what was left, turning over the flotsam that washed up on our eroding coastlines, the broken, faded, the erased, unfamiliar. In the redactions of existing texts, of our own work, of our memory banks, we discovered something unexpected; revisiting the known, and, peeling back the layers, we unmasked a new way of seeing We came upon truths of our past selves that had been hidden to us; words of the past echoed forwards with surprising prescience to our time.  We found resistance to the limits imposed on us, we sought recovery of the lost, and we resurrected ourselves from the ashes of what had gone before.

High Salvage is a collection of creative endeavour which encapsulates a fleeting time we shared. It brushes against the familiar and the strange, the known and the unknowable; it illuminates a nostalgic impulse and a proleptic hope. And it brings us back to the present moment, changed versions of ourselves.’

- Chiara Fumanti, Frankie Walters & Hilary Macey-Dare (Editors)

See www.Potentialbooks.co.uk for more details.

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If you have any comments or questions please contact:

s.mooney@surrey.ac.uk or SEL@surrey.ac.uk

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