Detailed Description
Donation to Warren Lamb Archive project
Following the death of Warren Lamb in January 2014, aged 90, the NRCD are working to raise funds to process and make accessible his archive collection. This will be done through both personal giving and applications to charitable foundations and other funding bodies.
The target is £30,000 and all donations are very gratefully received and will help us both progress towards this target and provide leverage for other funds. Any funds raised from donations be spent on purchasing the specialist stationery required to store and care for archive collections so will have a tangible outcome. We will work with partners such as Motus Humanus in the USA to generate funds and advise the project once our target is achieved. Warren Lamb trained and worked with Rudolf Laban; his work centred around movement and behavioural analyses routed in Laban theories and was used predominantly in management consultancy and personal development but also in therapeutic settings.