Stopgap Dance Company makes contemporary dance work that integrates disabled and non-disabled dancers and they are the UK’s leading integrated dance company. Alongside the professional performances and classes the company runs a youth dance education programme and community dance workshops. Thus, drawing on over a decade of experience, this resource pack provides dance facilitators with practical guidance for delivering community dance workshops that are inclusive for disabled and non-disabled people. Stopgap makes dance in the community inclusive by responding and adapting to the individuals in any given dance session. This resource pack aims to help you understand how being responsive can make your workshops fully inclusive. This pack will guide you through the company’s responsive approach step-by-step from how to prepare for workshops through to detailed descriptions and explanations of each example task. The resource pack will also give a range of suggestions on how to build on the guidance provided and encourage you to develop your own responsive approach. Further guidance and practical experience can be gained through workshops offered by the company.
See also Within (Noone, 2010) Stopgap Dance Company – DVD and Education Pack
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