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AI-assisted literature reviewing using ATLAS.ti


Course Information

AI-assisted literature reviewing using ATLAS.ti


  • Tips for literature import and organisation
  • Exploration and familiarisation tools
  • Coding strategies – inductive, deductive approaches; manual, search-based, and generative-AI approaches.
  • Organising materials to factual characteristics such as date of publication, country in which study took place etc  to facilitate interrogation.
  • Use of writing and visualisation tools to capture reflections on literature over time
  • Querying across articles to facilitate synthesizing and outputting



Course Code

AI-assisted ATLAS.ti

Course Leader

Dr Sarah Bulloch
Course Description

ATLAS.ti is a powerful software for the reviewing of literature, as well as qualitative and mixed-methods analyses of text, audio, video, survey, social media data. ATLAS.ti facilitates both smooth working with individual articles, as well as effective synthesising across all literature reviewed. Having integrated generative AI features, the software now offers new possibilities to researchers.

This one-day course provides an overview of ATLAS.ti ’s functionality and explores the latest in ATLAS.ti’s generative AI tools.  We consider moments within a literature review at which a researcher might lean on these AI tools, and the implications of doing so. This includes AI coding and intentional coding, AI summaries, AI chat with articles, and AI-powered Paper Search. 

The course combines discussion, demonstration and hands-on work, including:

  • Contextual discussions – developmental, methodological and analytical principles
  • Software Overview –interface, architecture, tools
  • Analytic Planning – ensuring analytic strategies drive the appropriate use of software tools
  • Guided Instruction – step-by-step teaching in the operation of ATLAS.ti and the use of tools for analytic tasks

During the course sample literature data are used in order to become familiar with tools, and the whole group follows common tasks together and practices exercises individually. Work is structured to provide step-by-step support. 

Please note: Some generative AI tools are integrated into ATLAS.ti Desktop v24 and ATLAS.ti Web differently. The tutor will demonstrate using ATLAS.ti 24 Desktop for Windows and will refer to other possibilities in the web version. Participants using the Desktop version 24 for MAC will find that most of the functionality is the same. Users attending with previous Desktop versions or Web versions are welcome to attend, but there are some differences with what is possible. The main part of the course will cover the functions available for the Windows version 24. For information about products see here https://atlasti.com/feature-comparison For the purposes of the course the trial version is fine, which can be accessed from here https://atlasti.com/free-trial-version  

StartEndCourse Fee 
10/07/202510/07/2025[Read More]

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