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Msc Nutritional Medicine 2023-2024

Msc Nutritional Medicine 2023-2024


Nutritional medicine includes clinical nutrition but is wider in scope, covering aspects of nutrition and health via the part that nutrition plays in health, disease, lifecycle and ageing.

The two compulsory modules Principles of Nutritional Science and Principles of Applied Nutrition and Epidemiology have been planned to give an excellent foundation in nutritional science and applied nutrition that will benefit participants in their understanding of the other modules.

The remaining ten modules range broadly over the interface between nutrition and health, covering diseases widely recognised to have a nutritional component and those, such as mental illness, where such a link is less well-known.

Some modules address stages of life such as pregnancy and old age while others concentrate on classes of nutrients important to health. The gut, being the means whereby we receive our nutrients, has a module to itself. Nutrition in the hospital setting is covered in Clinical Nutrition and Nutritional Support. A research module is required for the MSc.

Compulsory modules

  • Principles of Nutritional Science
  • Principles of Applied Nutrition and Epidemiology

Optional modules

  • Lipids and Essential Fatty Acids
  • The Brain, Nervous System, Diet and Behaviour
  • Dietary Minerals in Health and Disease
  • Clinical Nutrition and Nutritional Support
  • Nutrition and Exercise for Health and Sports Performance
  • Antioxidants, Phytoprotectants and Disease


Compulsory Module 1 (BMSM001)- Principles of Nutritional Science

(Leggett Centre, Manor Park Campus)

19-22 Sep 2023


Module 8 (BMSM008) – Lipids and Essential Fatty Acids

(Leggett Centre, Manor Park Campus)

6-8 March 2024


Module 12 (BMSM012) – The Brain, Nervous System, Diet and Behaviour

(Leggett Building)

15-17 Jan 2024


Module 9 (BMSM009) – Dietary Minerals in Health and Disease

(Oak Suite 1&2, Stag Hill Campus)

6-8 November 2023


Module 11 (BMSM011) – Nutrition and Exercise for Health and Sports Performance

(Leggett Centre, Manor Park Campus)

20-22 May 2024


Compulsory Module 2 - Principles of Applied Nutrition and Epidemiology

(Location to be confirmed)

10-13 Jun 2024


Dissertation Project Module 13

Module 13

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