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Discourse Analysis: An Introduction


Course Information

Day courses

The course will cover the following broad topics:

·         Discourse: what is it?

·         Discourse and construction

·         Discursive turn – main principles

·         Strands in discourse analysis

·         Analytic process(es) & procedure(s)

Course Code

Discourse Analysis: An Intro

Course Leader

Dr Maria Xenitidou
Course Description

Corresponding to on-going, central issues in discourse analysis this course has a dual focus: a) to introduce you to discourse analysis as a qualitative method in the service of analysing qualitative data (discourse) and b) to discuss discourse analysis as a paradigm. In this way, the course is focused on the analysis of discourse and also on the reasons for opting for discursive approaches while considering the assumptions they entail.

The course is designed to introduce participants to discourse analysis starting from its philosophical underpinnings to discussing recent developments and debates. Through a combination of lectures and practical sessions/workshops, we will cover various approaches to discourse analysis as well as the main principles and key literatures, illustrate analytic tools through the use of examples, and engage in hands-on analysis.

The course will engage you in evaluations of discourse-analytic approaches, and offer you the opportunity to develop some initial practical skills in applying discourse analysis. Rather than focusing in depth on a single approach, the course aims to develop a critical understanding of a range of these approaches and give you the confidence to select them appropriately. Finally, the course aims to provide a foundation to develop your skills further independently in the future.



StartEndCourse Fee 
30/05/202530/05/2025[Read More]

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