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Introduction to Participatory Research PM


Course Information

Day Courses

What is participatory research?

What can different participatory approaches offer?

What are the ethical and practical considerations of participatory research?

How does this relate to my work?

Course Code

Introduction to Participatory Research

Course Leader

Dr PJ Annand
Course Description

This course introduces the idea of community participation in, and co-production of, research. It touches on the spectrum of participation, from community consultation at one end to community-led and -controlled research design at the other, with a practical focus on the latter.

We will evaluate together the strengths and challenges of each type of approach and consider which approaches might be well-suited to which types of project.

The course will offer an opportunity for students to start thinking about if and how participatory approaches could be applicable in their own work.

This course runs in the afternoon from 1pm - 5pm UK time.

StartEndCourse Fee 
Introduction to Participatory Research PM
08/04/202508/04/2025[Read More]

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